Friday, May 6, 2011

Final Debate

I didn't care for this style of debating. The Tibetan style is too confusing and obnoxious for me, maybe if we were in a small group setting the debate would be more successful. I also didn't like the topic because no one could agree on what qualities were considered male and which ones were female. Nothing really got accomplised because no one was willing to agree on terms of qualities. Also there is no way we could agree without making stereotypes, which is unfair to the groups. If we were able to do this debate again I think  a different topic would make this debate more successful.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Amelia Earhart

"Please know I am quite aware of the hazards, I want to do it because I want to do it. Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail, their failure must be but a challenge to others."

Amelia Earhart is simply a courageous women who fought to prove that women are capable of accomplishing their dreams just as much as men are. At an early age Amelia had the dream of becoming a pilot and was determined to live it. Amelia was a strong woman who challenged conventional women behavior in order to pursue being a pilot. She worked hard as a nurses aid to earn money to buy her first plane. Through her continuous determination, Amelia's pilot career took off soaring as she began to set and break many records. At the age of 40, she was ready for a monumental, and final, challenge. She wanted to be the first woman to fly around the world. Even though she never completed her mission, Amelia Earhart proved to the world that women are strong and can have their own dreams. She became an icon for women and will always be remembered for her courage, vision, and groundbreaking achievements, both in aviation and for women. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Debate Round 2

This style of debating was much more effective than the first time. Everyone had the chance to voice their opinion and listen to the opposing views. Also the class seemed more prepared and ready to speak their mind. I enjoyed listening to all the debates because everyone came out swinging especially the religious debate. I was glad to see no blood shed on that one. Religion is a very touchy subject and debating on it is very hard since people take it personally. I do believe that the opposing side of religion was a little disrespectful and did more bashing then trying to prove it to be fiction. I don't think the point of this assignment was to claim God of being a "bitch". Other than that, I enjoyed these debates and the interesting views of my classmates.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Abusive Mothers

A fetus is a living being
So fragile and helpless 
Depending on their mothers to provide,
To nourish, and to protect them from danger

So why do mothers abuse these beings?
Why do they drink, smoke, and use drugs?
Do they not see what a beautiful being they are creating?
Don't they want to give their being a chance to have a flourishing life?

Mothers are loving, caring, and affectionate
Or are they?
Some mothers choose not to be
Some mothers are selfish and choose their wants over their fetuses needs

Drugs and alcohol are addicting
But should a mothers fetus be more important to her?
Not always

Aren't children supposed to out live their parents?
Not when the mother abuses substances 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Banksy Project Review

The Banksy project is by far my favorite project I have done in college so far. It was so nice to see that everyone participated to get their voices heard. I think it's important for students to have a voice in their education system and this project helped students get their opinions out to improve the system. The only upset of the day was that the maintenance department would not leave the projects up longer for everyone to see, but thankfully they did not tear them down before the class got to view them. Everyone worked hard to make a statement, but my favorite project was the one with the student looking at UCLA with a ball and chain attached to his ankle representing how students dream of well known universities but are held back due to the cost. It was a perfect way to get his point across because the picture was bold and captured a lot of peoples attention. Becoming Banksy for the day was a wonderful experience. I'm glad to have been apart of this activity!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Exit Through the Gift Shop Assignment

     Wow, this documentary is amazing! I honestly am not into art nor am I very artistic, but Banksy is highly talented. It is inspiring that he just began showing his talent in street art and is now selling his pieces for thousands of dollars. His talent is truly original which is proved by the millions of people who have fallen in love with his art. I think a lot of the reason why Banksy is so famous now is due to Guetta who always carried around his video camera. Another fascinating thing about this documentary is that we never discover who Banksy is, but we do know that Banksy gets away with displaying his art wherever he may choose and that his painting may disclose who Banksy really is. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Debate Points on Censorship

    First of all,  I feel like the debate on Wednesday had no resolution considering neither side listed to the opposing views points and both sides kept interrupting each other. I do realize that people get heated in certain situations, but in order for everyone to get their point across we must listen to each other and have an open mind.    Concerning the topic, I agree that advertising should be censored to a certain degree in order to protect the corruption of children, the inequality of races and communities, the pornographic view of men and women, and the customers from the exaggerated claims of certain products. It is the older generation's job to protect the younger generations in order for them to continue to build a striving country but if our advertisements continue to corrupt the younger generations what will our country be like in the future? What will our country be like if certain races continue to be shown inequality in ads? Will we begin to see fully naked people in ads around town? It is moral to lie about your product? These are some questions we as a society need to be thinking about for our future.