Sunday, April 3, 2011

Debate Round 2

This style of debating was much more effective than the first time. Everyone had the chance to voice their opinion and listen to the opposing views. Also the class seemed more prepared and ready to speak their mind. I enjoyed listening to all the debates because everyone came out swinging especially the religious debate. I was glad to see no blood shed on that one. Religion is a very touchy subject and debating on it is very hard since people take it personally. I do believe that the opposing side of religion was a little disrespectful and did more bashing then trying to prove it to be fiction. I don't think the point of this assignment was to claim God of being a "bitch". Other than that, I enjoyed these debates and the interesting views of my classmates.


  1. I agree with you. I thought that was a very hard debate to bring up good points to support each side opinion. It did seem touchy and I thought to both sides brought up good points but when each side got more into the debate getting little upset instead bringing up more good points seem like each person opinion rather than facts.

  2. I thought that was a fun debate all of them were interesting topics.
