Sunday, February 27, 2011

Exit Through the Gift Shop Assignment

     Wow, this documentary is amazing! I honestly am not into art nor am I very artistic, but Banksy is highly talented. It is inspiring that he just began showing his talent in street art and is now selling his pieces for thousands of dollars. His talent is truly original which is proved by the millions of people who have fallen in love with his art. I think a lot of the reason why Banksy is so famous now is due to Guetta who always carried around his video camera. Another fascinating thing about this documentary is that we never discover who Banksy is, but we do know that Banksy gets away with displaying his art wherever he may choose and that his painting may disclose who Banksy really is. 


  1. I do not believe Thierry had any sort of talent when it came to his artwork. He looked through books and stole images from other artists, then handed them to one of his employees who scanned them into the computer and used graphic design to produce the images. How is that art?

    I don't believe Banksy ever wanted any sort of fame either. If he did he would have gladly showed his face and allowed his real voice to be heard in the documentary. Banksy produces his art purely for the message and seems to have no desire to ever have the type of recognition Guetta has, unrightfully, acquired.

  2. I have to agree with you with the whole not being into art or being artistic, since I am exactly the same. I am not that into plain old boring art. But Banksy's art is actually really cool. The ideas he comes up with and his extremely creative mind is what makes his artwork interesting and not just another graffiti-ed wall or building around the city.
