Sunday, February 20, 2011

Debate Points on Censorship

    First of all,  I feel like the debate on Wednesday had no resolution considering neither side listed to the opposing views points and both sides kept interrupting each other. I do realize that people get heated in certain situations, but in order for everyone to get their point across we must listen to each other and have an open mind.    Concerning the topic, I agree that advertising should be censored to a certain degree in order to protect the corruption of children, the inequality of races and communities, the pornographic view of men and women, and the customers from the exaggerated claims of certain products. It is the older generation's job to protect the younger generations in order for them to continue to build a striving country but if our advertisements continue to corrupt the younger generations what will our country be like in the future? What will our country be like if certain races continue to be shown inequality in ads? Will we begin to see fully naked people in ads around town? It is moral to lie about your product? These are some questions we as a society need to be thinking about for our future.

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